
Gospel Message Series

The Gospel Treasure Box

Part One: The Most Important Message



Part Two: The GEMS Gospel Treasure Box



Part Three: How to Share Your Faith Story



At GEMS, we are on a mission to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s the heart of our name and the GEMS acronym—Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior.  GEMS is committed to exemplifying and speaking the life-changing Truth that girls are loved by God, known by God, and matter to God.

Think about this generation of girls. Think about the girls in your sphere of influence. You may notice:

Girls have questions about God. Who is God? Do I have to be good for God to love me? Does He love me when I’m bad? Is He really all I need?

Girls have questions about themselves. Who am I, anyway? Why am I here? Do I matter? Am I worth it?

Friend, you know the Truth. You know the good news their questioning hearts need to hear. His name is Jesus! His love is unending and unstoppable. In Jesus is life, forgiveness, meaning, and our true identity. Let’s go change the world by sharing His amazing, life-changing Truth!

Jesus made our mission clear. Go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19). You get to tell this generation of girls about Jesus and His love. You get to help them discover who Jesus is and all He says about them. It’s why you’re holding this resource.

The time is now. Girls must know they are LOVED. Period. A survey by the International Bible Society reported that 83 percent of Americans make their commitment to follow Jesus between the ages of four and fourteen.* And George Barna reports, “What you believe by your thirteenth birthday is generally what you die believing.”

As you experience the joy of sharing Jesus, remember that you don’t go alone. You’re part of a growing sisterhood that is on mission to bring girls to Jesus. And above all else, God is our Guide who calls and equips us to lead girls to Christ.