
GEMS COVID-19 Response

Office and Event Information

GEMS Global Office:
In light of the social distancing recommendations, the GEMS staff is currently working remotely. They are set up and able to answer phones, respond to emails, and process orders. We acknowledge that this is a unique arrangement, so thank you for your grace. We’ll re-evaluate our office staffing plan over the coming weeks and keep you posted with updates.

Club Meetings:
GEMS encourages every club to listen to federal and local government guidelines and recommendations. Club leaders, watch for an email with free resources to stay connected to your GEMS girls during this unique, unprecedented situation.

GEMS Sponsored Events:

  • GEMS CONFERENCE 2020 HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL JULY 28 – AUGUST 1, 2021. Wheaton College has canceled all events on its campus through the end of July for the protection of all employees, guests, speakers, and vendors. We understand the weighty decision that Wheaton had to make and are grateful for, and respect, this difficult decision. Unfortunately, this means Conference 2020 will not occur this summer, as planned. We have made plans with Wheaton to host Conference 2021 at Wheaton College.
    Watch for more details about an interactive, online experience! We remain committed to providing leaders with ALL the tools, resources, and community needed to mentor girls and begin their GEMS seasons.
  • The 2020 GEMS Open has been cancelled due to Michigan Stay-at-Home Executive Orders.
    Since the GEMS Open is an opportunity to showcase what God is doing through the GEMS ministry, we are launching our first annual, GEMS Day! Is it coincidental that the GEMS Open was scheduled for 6/8, which seems to fit in perfectly with Micah 6:8, our GEMS aim since 1972? We think not!

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. You can reach us at hello@gemsgc.org or by phone at 616-241-5616 ext 3032. We care about you and your concerns.

A Letter from GEMS Executive Director

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A Letter to all GEMS Leaders

(click image to expand)

Updated on April 22, 2020